Port Tarakohe

Details of access and how to contact the port manager.

Tarakohe port and marina is owned by Tasman District Council and:

  • Accommodates vessels up to 150m, and
  • Tide access for small craft

4 metre least depth

Least depth within harbour confines on wharf approach and alongside the main wharf is 4 metres at chart datum.

Contact the port manager for berths

Vessels wishing to berth in Tarakohe Harbour are required to contact the Harbour Manager prior to entry to the harbour.

This does not include vessels using the trailer boat launching ramp or vessels that have an allotted berth.

If you have enquired with the port manager about a Long-Term berth or mooring but there are no spots available at this point in time or if you wish to enquire about a Long-Term berth or mooring but do not have a vessel yet then please complete a Waitlist application.

Availability of berths for casual users varies. Note that anchoring restrictions apply outside of the harbour. See the section below for more information.

Complete an online application

Apply for a berth, mooring or compound at Port Tarakohe

Waitlist application

Connecting to power at the marina

Read more about the requirements (pdf 1.1 MB) you need to meet to ensure you can access shore power connections safely at the marina. 

Access to operational areas

If you require access to operational areas at Port Tarakohe, please complete this short online application form.

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