Hot Work Notification Form

Complete this form when carrying out hot work on vessels.

If you have any questions please contact the Harbourmaster office directly at

*Gas free certificate

The following conditions as a minimum will be complied with during Hot Works operations:

  1. No Hot Work to be undertaken while bunkering operations are in progress (applies to Tier 1 Sites).
  2. No Hot Work permitted while a tanker vessel with Class A, B, or C oil cargo or Dangerous Goods is berthed adjacent to location of hot work.
  3. A person not directly involved in the work to maintain a continuous ‘Fire Watch’ both during and after the work is completed of not less than 60 minutes. An inspection to follow of the surrounding area at least one hour after the hot work is complete.
  4. Suitable fire equipment – extinguishers and hoses should be on hand in the area where hot work is taking place.
  5. All personnel are to be trained and/or competent to undertake hot work and provide the fire watch and be familiar with emergency procedures, escape routes, raising the alarm and calling 111.

Precautions within 10 (ten) metres or minimum of the workplace

  1. Check all combustible materials have been cleared from the area of hot work placement
  2. Protect any stationary items and materials that cannot be removed
  3. Remove all Flammable liquids from work area
  4. All decks have been swept clean and combustible floors and/or decking have been covered with non-combustible overlapping sheets
  5. Protection for all – walls, partitions and ceilings of combustible construction or surface finish have been covered by purpose made non-combustible blankets, sheets or screens and any openings through which sparks could pass have also been covered
  6. Enclosed tanks, containers and pipes have been emptied and tested and known to be free of flammable/explosives, concentrations of vapor, gas or dust
  7. Gas free certificate must be obtained by a registered inspector before any work can commence. This permit will be valid for 12 hours from the time indicated on the Gas free Certificate if required.
  8. All equipment/apparatus used to carry out the hot work must be checked, examined and be in a fit for purpose condition
  9. Gas cylinders have been properly secured and placed a safe distance away from the area of intended work

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