How is climate change affecting Tasman District?

Climate change is likely to bring warmer temperatures, more extreme weather patterns and rising sea levels. Learn more about the likely impacts on Tasman District.

Fires, floods and storm surges have caused many Tasman District residents to be evacuated from their homes in recent years. Key transportation networks continue to be impacted by weather events. Freshwater is becoming a scarce resource, as evidenced during the 2019 drought.

Climate change is likely to bring warmer temperatures, more extreme weather patterns and rising sea levels - all of which will have widespread environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts. Issues such as drought, water security and flooding are expected to become more severe, and existing challenges around coastal erosion may be exacerbated. Industries such as agriculture and horticulture may need to adapt to remain profitable in the new climate. Local Government New Zealand estimates that councils in New Zealand are facing an estimated cost of $5-8 billion to replace vital infrastructure lost to climate change over the next half century.

Challenges also bring opportunities. Investment in changes for horticulture, services, management and technology will be required and may drive innovation from our region.

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