News and notices

Read the latest news and public notices, including our fortnightly Newsline.

Planning for a Resilient Tasman

Tasman District Council has endorsed a Natural Hazards Plan Change work programme to ensure communities are resilient to natural hazards and adapt to the effects of…

Krusty 03

Krusty Krab checks reservoirs

The Chasing M2 PRO Submersible Remotely Operated Vehicle, or the “Krusty Krab” as it’s been dubbed, could be coming to a reservoir or drinking water storage…

Parks Events April 2024 4

Free holiday activities, a hit!

Four free family events run by our partners CLM in Tasman during the April school holidays have proven to be a tremendous success.

More than 800 people…

Motupipi path 02

A missing link filled

The gap between two existing footpaths on Motupipi Street and Abel Tasman Drive in Tākaka has finally been filled.

We’ve signed a lease agreement with Fonterra for…

WKFD library 01 edit

Library to see another century

A major renovation of Wakefield’s old library should see the community building live on for another century.

The property on Edward Street was gifted by Joseph Gibbs…

Solanum mauritianum Wooly nightshade

Watching this woolly plant pest

Woolly nightshade (Solanum mauritianum) is an invasive pest plant from South America which is widespread in Tasman.

However, in Golden Bay, this weed is still at relatively…