The Chasing M2 PRO Submersible Remotely Operated Vehicle, or the “Krusty Krab” as it’s been dubbed, could be coming to a reservoir or drinking water storage facility near you.

The Krusty Krab is the newest bit of kit that our Waters Team has in its toolbox.

Drinking water quality assurance rules require us to inspect water storage facilities at least annually and the Krusty Krab is an excellent tool for exploring inside them.

There are around 130 tanks and reservoirs that need to be checked across the Tasman District.

The remotely operated vehicle has an ultra-high-definition camera and powerful lights to produce detailed crisp underwater images.

The team is looking for internal cracks, corrosion, or damage that could cause leaks, failures and ways that contamination could make its way into the stored water.

Previously when we’ve done inspections, we had to either drain the tanks, or in the bigger reservoirs, send in divers which could introduce another set of issues like potential contamination.

In the past, each inspection could take up to a day to complete, but using the Krusty Krab we can now do up to 15 inspections a day and create comprehensive reports supported by video.