Four free family events run by our partners CLM in Tasman during the April school holidays have proven to be a tremendous success.

More than 800 people enjoyed the activities in four of our parks.

The Treasure Hunt at Lord Rutherford Park in Brightwater was highly popular with close to 150 people taking part and feedback ranged from, “a great choice of park” and “thanks for including Brightwater in the list of venues”.

Art in the Park at Washbourn Gardens drew a crowd of close to 220 participants. Parents and caregivers were rapt with the event with many comments like “this is the perfect event for the whole family”, and “we appreciate how it was made for all ages.”

The Treasure Hunt at Ben Cooper Park was by far the most popular of the organised holiday activities with more than 330 people enjoying fun and games along with a good old-fashioned treasure hunt.

The final event of the holidays was The Amazing Race at Faulkner Bush Reserve in Wakefield where more than 110 participants took part, with some having been to all the other holiday events as well.

The good news is that the success of these events means they are likely to be back next holidays – watch this space!