Tasman District Council has agreed in principle to the make-up of its 10-Year Plan for the 2024-34 period, with an expected rates revenue rise (excluding growth) of 11.1% for 2024/2025 and an average over 10 years of 5.0% emerging from deliberations held last week. 

The outcomes and Council’s decisions on these matters now enable staff to prepare the final Plan, supporting information and associated policies. 

We received 1,060 submissions, including 12 late submissions, in relation to the draft consultation document through the consultation period in March and April 2024.  

We wish to thank all submitters and residents for their input into the consultation process, which had provided a valuable basis for deliberations. 

Your feedback has showed where the priorities lie in Tasman – this has enabled us to reach a fair balance between services and long term affordability.  

Submissions received favored the preferred option in the four questions asked which were designed to achieve a balance of current and future needs.   

The culmination of submissions, hearings and the subsequent deliberations has seen elected members land on a rates revenue rise of approximately 11.1 % for the first year, with 7.0% expected for Year Two of the LTP period. 

The 11.1% figure was lower than the base figure of 11.5% indicated at the start of deliberations after new costs increases had been factored in. It has provided a measured end point compared to the forecast of 9.6% included in the Consultation Document.

Over the whole 10 years, the average annual rates revenue increase (excluding growth) is slightly higher than what the Council consulted on.  

Affordability has been at the forefront of our minds throughout the process, as well as considering the needs of the future to ensure we did not create a bow wave of work required. 

We recognise the importance of maintaining infrastructure, particularly for core infrastructure such as roads and our three waters networks. 

The importance of community facilities and their essential role in community cohesion was a key theme across many submissions, and this was acknowledged in the allocation of funds in the 10-Year Plan. 

The Council confirmed its share of funding for the Motueka pool, Waimea Community Facilities and a new community facility at Tapawera. In addition the Recreation facility upgrade for Murchison was brought forward from Year 8 to Year 4. 

During deliberations, the Council also included funding to support a new regional inclusive playground at Saxton Fields.   

Several other key issues required consideration in the decision-making process, such as whether to phase in significant increases in development contributions and the need to take account of the impact of climate change. 

While all efforts have been made to accommodate the needs of the wider community – we acknowledge that some areas of funding will require supplementary or external sources to meet the required levels. 

For example, the extent and coverage of transport maintenance depends on ongoing Waka Kotahi/NZTA funding, and many community facilities will be dependent on matching funding provided through community fundraising. 

As with all councils, portions of this plan could still be affected by the Government's legislative changes especially those associated with Local Water Done Well and possible changes to NZTA funding. 

The Council is scheduled to adopt the Plan, supporting information and associated policies on 27 June 2024. 

Read the full proposal and get all the supporting information on Shape Tasman(external link)