Community grants - grants from rates

The Community Grants Scheme annual funding round is now open. Applications close 31 July 2024.

Apply now(external link)

Applications for the Community Grants are open until 31 July 2024.

You can read more about the scheme below.


Do you have an exciting community project in the pipeline? A Community Grant could help make it happen.

Community Grants help get some of our most valuable community projects off the ground.

The criteria are broad and cover a range of categories including but not limited to service groups, festivals, and sports clubs through to welfare groups, arts, culture, heritage, and environmental organisations.

We’ll be looking at projects that are either Tasman-based or will help Tasman residents, meet a community need and have community support. Priority will be given to projects that align with our community outcomes and can show financial support from other sources as well.

If your community group has a project that needs funding and you feel your group could be worthy of consideration for a grant, see below for earlier recipients to see who got what.

Groups can apply for funding to cover costs such as administration costs (limited), one-off projects, project development costs and service delivery costs.

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